Gwen Griffith-Dickson

What I do


Over the years Gwen has published books in various genres, from thrillers on the War on Terror to in-depth explorations into the philosophy of various religions.

Moving between these genres has allowed her to develop a fresh, vivid style in all of her writing, and an ability to handle vast, complex topics in a user-friendly yet profound way.

Gwen is often invited to submit articles for academic journals, newspapers and magazines. If you want to do so, get in touch with her here.

To see some of her books and academic articles to date, check out her publications page. Or to you can also read some of her shorter articles on Politics (including terrorism) and Philosophy & Religion here.

Praise for Gwen’s previous work

‘Bleedback is exceptional in that it marries authenticity, whilst remaining a riveting read. The foundations of Bleedback lie in its outstanding yet accessible scholarship; the structure is encased in meticulously researched and highly authentic reality; but above all, the story is combustible enough to blow the roof off.’ (Noel Warr, formerly of Special Branch, Counter-Terrorist Command and the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism)

‘Dickson’s splendid work is one of the most singularly impressive (and underrated) achievements in eighteenth-century studies. Its thorough translations and commentary are responsible for the fact that Anglophone Hamann scholarship is beginning to flourish…’ (Alexander Regier, in The Oxford Handbook of European Romanticism ed. Hamilton)

‘Griffith-Dickson’s style is so fresh and so bold that one cannot but help being excited by this book…her highly nuanced treatment of these sensitive problems is just one more reason why this book deserves a large readership.’ (Dr. Brian R. Clack)